Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A New "Year" Begins! Aug 2015 Meeting.

So begins a new year!  It's new for us, new faces, new clergy, new opportunities, and here's what went down for the Mocksville Missional Network last night.
Of course I wrote today's blog at Starbucks!  Beats the heck out of being cooped in the office!  :)

We met at Center UMC, and thank John Erwin for hosting and taking the notes for last night and hosting us at his church.  The snacks were yummy!

First thing, we have new pastors to welcome!  Sorry guys, I'm using your mugshots from the conference website, but I like names with faces (and it helps poor saps like me);

First we have to join us is Rev. Robert "Bob" Briggs serving at Union Chapel/Chestnut Grove!  We are excited to have Bob join our network!

Second, we have Chad Shoaf serving at Concord UMC!  Apparently Blair Routh has inside info on Chad, so check with her!  Kidding, he's super cool!  ;)
And third we have Ronald Dean Doub serving at Hardison UMC, a really cool guy and gentleman!

We welcome you all to our humble Mocksville Missional Network (MMN)!

Here's the gathering at last night's meeting.  It's a quick panoramic shot, so some faces are messed up,
but it was a great turnout for a rainy evening (and yay for rain!)

So now we get to business; first a news flash on the Summer Food Bags Mission!

Blair Routh shared this news with us.  14 faith groups donated toward the cause (including every church of our network) giving 30% of the needed budget, individual donations accounted for 42%, businesses 3%, Civic Groups 2%, UMC Grant gave 17%, and the Walmart Grant 3%, for a grand total of $29,811!  The expenses for the food this year was $30,711.81.  On top of that, a late grant from Energy United gave $10,000, already a good start for next year (it's usually $30,000 to fund this ministry).

Here's the results, 525 children were fed consistently during the long summer!  We often had more volunteers than were "needed."  We had more participation from our networked churches than any other year (and it was already pretty high before).  On top of that, 2nd Harvest gave 500 Boxes of food for families and kids to be given to families in need in Cooleemee during the 3 day church outreach fair "Call to Cooleemee."  That's organized mostly through area Baptist churches but Blair got several volunteers from our network to "man the tables" to give out the food.  It was all gone in 2 days!  Huzzah!!!  The ground work has already begun for 2016, but for now Blair gave her heartfelt thanks to all of the churches who donated and volunteered to make this year happen, stopping hunger for children in our midst.  Glenn Myers then expressed the MMN's heartfelt appreciation to Blair and Don for all their selfless hard work and dedication.

So, for the new year, what are some needs and mission opportunities around us?  We had 3 special guests to offer their visions;

First we had Ruby and Bill Blackburn share about UMAR.   Apparently many of our clergy remember Ruby back when there was a Lexington District.  Small world!  About UMAR; UMAR's mission is to care for adults with special needs.  It started in 1983 by our Conference.  Ruby got us started by asking a question; how many of us knows someone personally or has a family member who is disabled?  It was about 100%.  Disability affects everyone.  To help these adults, UMAR has 23 group homes across Western NC, and there 3 in Winston, 1 in Statesville, each being a home to adults with differing disabilities and full time staff to help care for them.  The staff's job is to help these adults live as independently as possible.  To give us an idea of what impact UMAR can have, Bill shared his story.

Bill 34 year old daughter Jennie is disabled, who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.  She has great difficulty communicating and faces many challenges.  Bill and his wife provided amazing care, but know for the far future Jennie needs long term security and care, and that's when they found UMAR in 2011.  Jennie is now eating better, more independent, has made friends, and is happy.  UMAR was a Godsend to Jennie.  They passed out several handouts which record the many great things UMAR is doing, which will be listed here below.  Included is Jennie's story (sorry my copy got wet from my iced coffee), and how we can help UMAR.  A few highlights; donate supplies (paper towels are in high demand as is food), donate time like hosting a cookout at one of the homes (I suggested a luau!), or even do some labor such as a building project at the homes.  Also Bill is willing and able to share his story with anyone; churches, Methodist Men and Women, etc.  Here is his email, and he replies FAST:

Next we had Crystal Dumas share about her ministry Just Hope (Crystal is the exec. director) which works directly with the homeless and families at risk here in Davie County.  Her family began interacting with the homeless camps in Davie County including giving food, and from that began to form her ministry.  Just Hope continues to give food and supplies (which she gets cheap through her coupon superpower), teaching self sufficiency classes, and more.  So how can churches in our network help?
Well since Davie County doesn't have a homeless shelter (which I'm going to go ahead and give a big and loud boo!!!!!!!  Thumbs down Davie County leaders, churches and charitable organizations are tired of the lame excuses), most of the homeless and families at risk are either in the homeless camps, staying with family (sleeping on the floor, couches), or living in our two hotels, Lakewood and Scottish Inn.  Crystal is working with churches and groups to help the families who stay in these hotels (which are typically a single mom with 2-3 children).  What are ways to help these families?

  1. Provide a hot meal!  It's the microwave or nothing when it comes to hot food, so on Thursdays Crystal organizes groups to come and feed the families in either one of the hotels or both.  They need to be to-go boxes, and also food bags like with our backpack program).  A hot meal is a taste of grace to these families.  You can sign up online here;
  2. Sponsor a family's "rent" at these hotels.  It's usually all they can make and save to cover the rent per week.  Any unexpected expense, say a flat tire could put a family on the street or make them face hunger.  You can give these families some breathing room by paying for a week.  It's $190 a week at Lakewood and $205 a week at Scottish Inn.  Talk to Krystal if you have questions or would like to participate in sponsoring a family.  Her cell number is 336-909-4201, and her email is
Here is some other mission highlights;  
  • Rev Sam Lewis is leading Oak Grove UMC to become involved in the Faith/Health Initiative through Baptist Hospital.  For many people who are admitted to hospital care they have "high needs but low resources" when they are discharged.  The Faith/Health Initiative is trying to bridge that gap through networking and community involvement.  Keep an eye out for a future email when Oak Grove will possibly host a meeting for the Faith/Health Initiative, which can benefit from MMN participation!  (unrelated, here in the meeting my cell phone died at this point, so you're spared of more photographs)
  • 1st UMC is going to host a 5th Quarter Friday Night gathering/party in September.  This is to provide a fun and safe enviroment for teens after Friday Night Football games.  There will be games, snacks, the whole 9 yards, and is open to everyone.  Email John at 1st UMC at for more info. 
  • Kevin Neal at 1st UMC (who is the Missions Chair to Haiti) is also head of the DOT in Rowan County, and is offering his services to check any church transportation vechicle to make sure they're being used safely.  Buses and vans!  Check with Kevin at 1st UMC if you are interested.
  • Stop Hunger Now will be held at 1st UMC on Dec. 27th (a Sunday).  Set up will start at 3pm, packaging at 4pm.  This is open to all our network churches, either monetary help, volunteer help, or both.  
  • Our Cluster Charge Conference will be held at 1st UMC on October 25th at 3pm.  Like previous years, I NEED PICTURES!  Any missional or outreach work you, your church, or networked churches do, I need pictures to prepare for our report/music video.  VBS counts too!  If you don't send pictures, I'll make stick figures (ask Tony, this is a serious threat!).  Send them to me at, or text them to me (which is just as efficient) to my cell number; 980-521-3531.
Our next MMN meeting will be held on Nov. 10th at 7pm at Hardison UMC.

Thanks for everything y'all.  If you have any corrections, additions, just text me and I'll update the blog (it isn't permanent).  Peace!

PS, if any of this sounds jumbled or off, or filed wit typos, blame one of these three!  ;)

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